Things I like

I’m not entirely sure what to do with this part of the website.

But I don’t want to get rid of it in case I need it so I’m just putting all this stuff in here.

I think I will use it as a bit of a photo album because I’m a fan of weird photos. Photos have caused a great many different stories to happen so maybe some of these photos will do that for someone else. Smile. Enjoy. Or look away.

Also. They are all my personal photos. I own them.

Some church in Salem, Mass.

Rappahannock River, VA

A rather aggressive little guy at the Grand Canyon

I have a crazy amount of butterfly pictures

It is going to be interesting dealing with this website.

I don’t want to just have a website that never gets updated. I want this to be a part of where I reach out a little. Because I will do everything in my power to have nothing to do with “social media”.

So this will really be it for what the outside world will see.

Some photos. Some ramblings. Some links to buy some books.

Easy does it.