Avoiding the Pattern
So. The second book is out. Whoot for me. But also! This book has a few things the last didn’t have. For one, there is some flat-out foul language. Which I both struggled with and had to accept. The characters wouldn’t be who they are if they didn’t drop a few F-bombs. I am aware that I am in control of every single word that gets put out there. Which is how I like it. Which is also why I can say – I did it, it’s done, and love it or hate it - we’re on to the next!
As I said in my “Dearest Reader” - this book is nothing like the last and will be nothing like the next. I won’t claim that I’m actively avoiding patterns or stereotypes, I’m mostly just explaining the reality of it. I don’t write any one type of story. I never have. It has always been about that opening line, that feeling, that middle, that fun, and that ending. It all has to be there for me to want to write it. I love characters and stories and imaging worlds from top to bottom. They can be anywhere. In the forests, the cities, the future, or on the moon. The setting is a part of it, but I am always absorbed with who the characters are, what would be real to them, and how they are real to me and make me feel. My feelings about them push me to write. I don’t like having a mountain sit on my chest. Trapping thoughts and feelings make me crazier than I already am. So, I write whatever I want.
For two, there is this little line on the last page… leading everyone and anyone to this website.
This line was not in the first book. I didn’t have to worry about people actually finding their way here. I hadn’t created it yet. The website was still just an idea with a few pictures and silly things that I let my family see. Now, that ship has sailed and whoever you are, you are now able to read this. That is what a ‘blog post’ is for so I’m just going to keep on the way I am with it. Hopefully, you’re not terribly disappointed. Let it be noted that I do not actually read any posts of other writers or (I am disgusted by this term) ‘influencers’ so please don’t be surprised if none of this is what you’re expecting.
Either way – welcome. If you like the book, lucky you on not wasting a few hours on a crap story. If you don’t like the book, give the next one a try – it’s the polar opposite.