Where you can find me

Brianna Reyes

(Amazing) Writer

That First Punch to the Head

Crimes of Business and Pleasure

The Single Parent Charade

The Journal

I am going to have way too much fun attempting to write things that wont get me in trouble. See below.

Wish to hear my random thoughts?

Aren’t you an odd one. Click the link below and it will let you enter a world of absolute chaos and sheer delusions. Enjoy!

About the Author

Please understand… I despise this part. I find it out of this world weird that anyone would like to know anything about the person writing a book that has nothing to do with them as a person. The stories I write have nothing to do with me. I invent them from top to bottom. Knowing anything about me almost takes away from that. If in the back of your mind as a reader, you are remembering that I have a missing foot, you may suddenly view things I write in a different perspective or over think the things I am including as if there is some huge underlying plot point you’ll only know if you are privy to the fact that I love to eat chocolate when it rains. Neither are true. I have all of my extremities and will eat chocolate no matter the weather.